Series: Waterworld
Title: Boglandian Pilgrims
Boglandians are on average one of the tallest peoples of Waterworld. Lean, elegant and like the Sasians, peace loving. They are a deeply religious sect and their worship garb includes long green gowns, worn Sunday, when they gather to pay their respects to the Great Mangrovia. A sort of day of reckoning. When the living hold themselves accountable for actions they committed through the week. Actions that could be construed as good for the Boglandia community and the Great Mangrovia. Good deeds done. For a good deed brightens a dark world.
Boglandians, like all Waterworld communities, live on their wits and will for survival and have no sense of future. Future is a vague concept. It’s vague because it’s shrouded in darkness and uncertainty. So good deeds linked to the philosophies of existentialism and karma help them deal with the now. Live in the now. Embolden the prospect of a brighter future in a future life.
existentialism |ˌeɡzəˈsten(t)SHəˌlizəm|
a philosophical theory or approach that emphasizes the existence of the individual person as a free and responsible agent determining their own development through acts of will. The will to live. The will to survive. The will to help others. So we can say that will and good deeds are interlinked. Shall we say, will power and good deeds are interlinked with manifesting good karma.
Karma. karmanoun [ U ]
us /ˈkɑr·mə/
the force produced by a person’s actions in one life which influences what happens to that person in future lives
Boglandians accept their rotten existence in this world, the world they call Waterworld. But their intentions are good. Ultimately they believe by making their world a better place, they make their lives better. They share a collective doctrine that it’s a noble deed to attempt to change the world one week at a time. To lead by example. To practice what they preach. And what do they preach? They spread the word that everyone must respect her Majesty the Great Mangrovia. That all sentient beings are scared. That Mother Nature is to be revered and respected. Ultimately to be protected!!!!
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